Friday, September 9, 2011

Immediately Asleep Tonight - a technique of visualization and meditation to sleep faster

!9# Immediately Asleep Tonight - a technique of visualization and meditation to sleep faster

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As you may know, visualization and meditation can be an effective way to open the road to sleep. Most people do not understand how to meditate or sleep the way they see or what it really means. If you understand it or not, will not last long as it works for you to sleep faster deal.

Here's a bit 'technique has worked wonders for many people with sleep problems. The idea is to engage the senses as much as possible and really "feel" thatevoke everything in your head is always real.
First, when in bed and ready to sleep, start by fixing their eyes on one point, at eye level. What do you want here is to list and describe three things you see (if it is so dark you can not see nothing, use your imagination - you know what is in your room) can. In your mind, to talk about and describe the items that you can see that. "I see my chest with all my cologne / perfume on the top andPictures of me and my mother. "
Now that you've made your eyes, listen to what you are working. Focus on all the sounds you hear and focus on us, what you hear. Say in your mind, "this is the sound of a car screeching tires, the drop of a tap, the argument next door .. etc..) Finally, attention to the sound of your breath. Spending a few minutes only think and listen to your deep breath.
Now begins your attention on your hands and feet. Thinkon the hands and feet feel warm. They are stuck in the sand on a beach hot, or you're sitting at a fireplace. Hands and feet are getting hot.
This is where you can see from the 'reality', what you hear, go and listen to your imagination more fully. Now you have seen and described the things that really exist in your room, close your eyes and start things that come to mind to describe. You try to think of shapes and imagesInstead of real events here.
Now that you 'see' things with the mind's eye, try to fix some sound pictures. What attracts a growing sense in the soothing sounds begin to focus on the sounds and attach the image in your mind.
The last thing is to concentrate, how you feel. Or, how do you feel to your special place in your head relaxing. If you like the sea, imagine how you feel the wind on your face, or communicate with any other sound, like whales. Whatever yourRelaxation is a place, imagine what you want to hear if you were there. The heat of the sand or the feeling of grass between his fingers. What does it mean for you, now is the time to actually do in your mind.

If you followed the above procedure, you should feel tired and to be on the verge of sleep. If the above steps do not get to sleep right away, you should at least feel more relaxed - this is the way of deep sleep.

If the lack of sleep causesserious problems in your life, not outside, talk to your doctor. Further information on herbs and natural remedies - there are many who also work as a prescription sleeping pills.

Immediately Asleep Tonight - a technique of visualization and meditation to sleep faster

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Gone with hay fever and sleep apnea

!9# Gone with hay fever and sleep apnea

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Sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disease, and narrows the airways causing snoring during sleep and waking in the night as the body responds to the lack of oxygen and the person wakes up suddenly begins to breathe again, sleep again and wake up breathing asleep, falls, and so on throughout the night. Many people do not even know that they do it and just know that I am eternally tired and exhausted. In some cases, used a sofa bed, coffeeKeep the airway open position and in severe cases, surgery is necessary to give relief.

It 'a scary moment when you know that you have awakened some reason, your heart is racing, and you realize that you hit in the throat for some reason .. The next day, dragging himself out of bed, as if you have not slept .. The days of work and pulls in more severe cases, actually falling asleep at your desk or even more dangerous behind the wheel of the car. perhaps onlySeconds, sometimes longer .. It's not a good situation, or by any means.

Natural herbs can provide a quick cure for so many people, yet they are not aware and I have discovered through the use of a nutritional program for weight and for maintaining better health. After just three days the program I jumped out of bed. Feet on the ground and standing before I realized I was actually there. The following days were a breeze, and not sleep on the couch in front of the Tea-Time. Ithen we do not know what had changed, but after a week or so, I realized that my sleep has changed.

Then, without hay fever spring.

To improve an ancient Amazonian seed with properties similar to caffeine, your energy increases, of course, and, simultaneously, contribute to mental alertness by opening blood vessels in the head and a better supply of oxygen - if any of these symptoms inject an extra look at NRG containing guarana extract, guarana blood.TheIt also helps with various symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, persistence, menstrual disorders, etc.. and vice versa, it works to give a good sleep, if, immediately prior to lowering the energy of the body fell asleep.

Gone with hay fever and sleep apnea

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